are supposedly trained to become versed in territorial development, which is a task of spatial planners and many more parts of the public sector. Exclusive counsel, Master en Management Territorial Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - iaelyon School of Management , ranked n°48 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking D.R. All the courses and educational activities are offered by the four participating universities through a specific mobility scheme for the students: each participant will study in at least 3 different countries.
European Master Territorial Development 3.2 In the EuMiTD, students from all over the world (we were around 10 students) and with the most diverse backgrounds (planners, architects, social sciences etc.) European Master in Territorial Development - Leibniz Universität Hannover in Hannover, Deutschland Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Le titulaire du Master Management Public Territorial acquiert ainsi des connaissances et une expertise dans le management des collectivités territoriales, l’analyse des facteurs et le pilotage des projets. Program participants will also learn about the basic building blocks of tourism, including universal themes like management.
MASTER Territorial Management and Urban Planning This degree, which may be accessed as an apprenticeship, initial training and vocational training, aims to provide students with dual skills, in law and in geography, after refresher sessions in each discipline where they will become proficient in territorial planning practices and challenges, and in indispensable local public action tools. Master mention Management public parcours Management public territorial. Type de diplôme. La Master Management Territorial de l'IAE Lyon, double compétence, forme des managers territoriaux à la fois des généralistes de la gestion des entreprises et des organisations, et praticiens de l’univers des collectivités territoriales. Durée. Short Description The two year MSc programme “European Master in Territorial Development” (EuMiTD) is intended for graduates in relevant academic disciplines (for example, urban and regional planning, environmental planning, or geography) who would like to acquire in-depth knowledge for the strategic and sustainable development of urban and rural areas in Europe. BAC+3. 218, Series II, 2017-11-13 .
Master en Management Territorial Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - iaelyon School of Management , ranked n°48 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Niveau d'entrée. A Master in Tourism Management outfits students with essential knowledge such as developing entrepreneurial ventures, increasing revenue, championing sustainability, and managing natural and human resources. Objetives. MASTER AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Masterstudium.
All about this master, Master en Management Territorial Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - iaelyon School of Management , ranked n°48 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Students select options from a broad array of courses … Il est donc en capacité : > D’analyser des problématiques locales et les solutions qui peuvent être envisagées, No. Master. La spécialité Manager territorial et intercommunalités propose une formation interdisciplinaire et pluridisciplinaire à vocation professionnelle aux étudiants désireux d’être opérationnels sur des postes d’encadrement dans les collectivités territoriales, les établissements publics locaux, toutes les structures publiques, parapubliques et privées en charge des politiques locales.
Les titulaires du Master Management Public Territorial exercent leur activité au sein d’administrations et d’organisations publiques et para-publiques ou dans des structures territoriales, des réseaux consulaires et professionnels. STeDe Master is a master level degree course and consists of 120 ECTS credits in two academic years (From October to August).