1.2.0 (2013/11/27) You can now copy converted color values from the form 1.1 Weird right? They are a way put alpha transparency information into the hex format for colors. You could try putting the hex color into the color picker of GIMP or photo shop to get the RGB value and then using the alpha value. 4-digit hex codes too. Sample HEX and HTML colors in HEX input label can now be clicked to autofill the input. Hex is a 6-digit, 24 bit, hexidecimal number that represents Red, Green, and Blue. HEX to RGBA Converter In this tool you will Quickly HEX to RGBA color code convert and use. 16進数バイナリ文字列の変換が行えます。 (例. <=> "48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21") An example of a Hex color representation is #123456 , 12 is Red, 34 is Green, and 56 is Blue. This free online tool do trinsprint HEX color to RGBA CSS Code easily in a Sec. "Hello, world!" There are 16 million possible colors. String To Hex Converter Enter the text to encode to hex, and then click "Convert! Main HEX input is now autofocused when you enter the page. Hex notation is generally used as a human-friendly representation of binary strings. You might be seeing it more all the sudden if you use Chrome, because it dropped in 52, and the DevTools seem to be defaulting to showing alpha transparent colors in this format even if you set it originally using … A free online tool to convert text to a hexadecimal string. !. eg. red is #FF0000 or rgb(255,0,0) if you want red with an alpha value of .5 then rgba(255,0,0,.5). Generate code and paste to your file Now!!